Monday, April 25, 2011



To terminate a process before completion. Generally used in reference to a mainframe program, especially one that has gone awry.

In the world of PC (Personal Computer) we are more inclined to exit a program or command with the 'Escape key' on Keyboard.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

abend (Abnormal Ending)

The termination of processing due to a program or system fault. This system fault can be occur for hardware or software error.

Sunday, November 2, 2008



'access' used for verity of method. In general, word 'access' stand for 'call up' or 'activate' for use. A computer might contain a lot of program or files contain data. But until you call it. The process of call any program or file with respective computer program called as 'access' the program or file.



In computing world 'abstract' used for summary of a output of a computing process.

absolute value

absolute value

'Absolute Value' is used for mentioning a number regardless of it's sign. A result of a calculation may be positive or negative can be called as 'absolute value'. Any negative value needs to be converted to a positive number for additional calculation. The value itself called as 'Absolute Value'.



'Abort' used to 'terminate a process before it is complete.

In Different Microsoft Windows Operating System, special key 'Escape Key' used to terminate any process. 'Ctrl+C' also used to terminate (abort) a program or process.


Abend - Abnormal Ending of a Process

Abend: Abnormal Ending of a Computer Process. The termination of processing may caused by a program or system fault.